Saturday, February 5, 2011


HELLO EVERYONE! Or whoever finds time to read the rantings of me.
I was one of the naysayers when it came to blogs. I found (and still do) that they are a big waste of time and are solely there, because we as human beings have an unquenchable need to spew our guts out onto a cold hard screen that cannot tell us we are wrong or rationalize our feelings. It is just there and as such cannot run away from us or smother us with love. Yet we still need the acceptance of our fellow humans, and so we make it public. This being the human need, and I being a human, I am acknowledging my weakness and have gotten a blog, YAY! It will be interesting to see what I put up here and how often something actually is posted. But anyway, enjoy your life folks and keep on smilin'! :D

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